An Overview Of The HCBS-ACT Project

Who Is Involved?

Partners include the IL Council on DD, the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities, IDHD, and The Boggs Center.

When Did It Start?

The project began in August 2016, and continues to have a positive effect on people receiving services in home and community based settings.

What Is The Project?

Through training, workshops, videos, resources and more, the HCBS-ACT Project improves awareness about HCBS Settings Rule for stakeholders.

Why Was It Created?

Since the full HCBS Settings Rule includes 93 pages of regulations, this project provides information about the rule in accessible formats.

Where Is The Impact?

While the on-site components of the project took place in Illinois, the benefits of the resulting resources are useful across the country.

How Does It Help The Field?

The HCBS-ACT Project empowers advocates, families, and other stakeholders to learn about the real-life implications of the HCBS Settings Rule.

Inside The HCBS-ACT Project

The HCBS-ACT Project has helped equip thousands of people throughout the state of Illinois, and countless others around the United States, with relevant guidance and accessible tools to demonstrate the real-life impact of the Home and Community-Based Services Final Rule.

The HCBS Settings Rule

In January 2014, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a new rule that would impact Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings, with direct and significant implications for people receiving supports, human service providers, families, state agencies, and other stakeholders.

Benefits For People Receiving Services

The HCBS Settings Rule provides guidance and requirements for human service providers that people receiving supports have full access to the benefits of community living, be integrated in their communities, exercise rights, make choices, select the services they use, and direct who provides those services.

An Extended Deadline

This rule went into effect on March 17, 2014 with an original deadline of March 17, 2019 for entities to carry out the requirements and for states to demonstrate compliance. In May 2017, the compliance deadline was extended to March 17, 2022. Then in July 2020 the deadline was extended again to March 17, 2023.

HCBS Advocacy Coalition: 3-Part Toolkit

  1. The HCBS Settings Rules: What You Should Know!
  2. The HCBS Settings Rules: Settings Presumed to be Institutional
  3. The HCBS Settings Rules: How to Advocate


The Project

Through nearly twenty on-site workshops, a number of virtual trainings, a series of video clips, various accessible resources, additional presentations, an advocacy mentorship program, and more, The HCBS-ACT Project provided clear, understandable, and applicable information and resources to raise awareness.

A Collaborative Partnership

The HCBS-ACT Project is the result of a partnership between CQL, the Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities, the Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities, the Institute on Disability and Human Development (IDHD), as well as the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities.

Empowerment Through Advocacy

The HCBS-ACT stands for ‘Home and Community Based Services – Advocates Creating Transformation,’ as the project involves not just education, but empowerment. It included a ‘Leadership Fellows Program,’ where self-advocates and families received leadership training to become “change agents” in their community.

Additional Resources About The HCBS Settings Rule

The HCBS-ACT Project Partners

The project involves a collaboration among leaders in the human services field, bringing diverse perspectives and extensive expertise in both policy and practice.

Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities

ICDD works to promote the independence, productivity, integration, and inclusion of those with disabilities into the community.


Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities

Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities

The Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities is a membership organization in the Illinois service delivery system.


Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities

Institute on Disability and Human Development (IDHD)

IDHD is dedicated to promoting the independence, productivity, and inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of society.


Institute on Disability and Human Development (IDHD)

Elizabeth M. Boggs Center

The Boggs Center provides community and student training and technical assistance, conducts research, and disseminates information.


Elizabeth M. Boggs Center

" I like to make as many choices as I can. It's the way I am going to learn the best."

Amy, Self-Advocate Mentor

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